I'm back home...
I was away for awhile. I now understand that in the "blogosphere" there is "away" and then there's "AWAY" a distinction which isn't easy to comprehend unless you are a daily newspaper columnist or a trash collector or a blogger.
The aforementioned analogy reminds me that the 19th century French poet Stephan Mallarme once remarked that the newspaper was a thing "fit only for wrapping fish". So there's another good reason for thinking the blogosphere is superior to journalism. Matt Drudge take note! No matter how execrable your blog no one can use it for collecting fish parts.
I would like to wrap Matt Drudge in newspaper.
I would like to use Matt Drudge as fish bait.
I would like to recite Egyptian love poems to Lee Hamilton.
I would prefer that Lee Hamilton not say things like: "We have neither won nor lost in Iraq." (As he did on last night's broadcast of "Larry King Live".)
We have neither wrapped or unwrapped the fish bladders.
We are merely thinking about what's inside the newspaper.
We are not comparing the war in Iraq to the news business.
We are not comparing the war in Iraq to anything.
We are likely still sympathetic to Stephan Mallarme.
This is why I still subscribe to the literal, ink and paper edition of the daily news.
I was away from my desk.
I said goodbye to an old friend at her memorial service this past weekend.
I wept with old friends and felt old.
The first snow of the winter came.
I thought of how winter holds the key to our legacies.
I thought about the kilometers of night and the songs we still must sing for the roads ahead.
I will buy a big fish and a newspaper.
I will tune my guitar.
I will declare Spring and not become a sad beggar when the new leaves come around.
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