So many people with so many thoughtful, very smart things to say. Thank you to "Blue" at The Gimp Parade for putting it all together for us. Clearly this takes a lot of work. The theme of this Carnival has to do with people with disabilities and "the cure". As a couple of relative "newbies' to this "planet of the blogs" we're learning that there is just so much to explore, learn, and appreciate. No wonder David Gayes of Growing Up With a Disability (a blog I discovered just today thanks to The Gimp Parade) is taking a year off from his studies to blog and grow his "project". It seems to me one could easily put in an 8 hour day - or more - doing this.
David, by the way, will be hosting next month's Blog Carnival. It will be a must read I'm sure. But first I must read this month's Carnival. Off I go...
~ Connie
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