Thank you, Monica Moshenko for forwarding this
News Release: Urine Testing Confirms Autism is Mercury Poisoning
For more info...
Director, The Renee Crown University Honors Program, University Professor, Syracuse University
I think it is important for anyone who looks at this study to realize that it is class-A rubbish, utilizes faulty premises (specifically, that porphyrin markers have been established to indicate mercury toxicity in autistic people), and is being pushed by anti-vaccination group that is currently involved in litigation relating to mercury in vaccines.
Steve D
Father of an autistic child
Posted by: Steve D | October 01, 2007 at 05:17 PM
It truly is rubbish. A lot of those autism=mercury poisoning nuts conveniently forget that the pediatric vaccines have been mercury-free for several years, and yet -- somehow -- that hasn't stopped new cases of autism from being diagnosed in toddlers.
Posted by: andrea | October 01, 2007 at 06:33 PM
Check out what Kristina Chew at Autism Vox
has to say. She also has a lot of good links.
Posted by: Janet | October 02, 2007 at 01:40 PM
You people have your head in the sand. First, porphyrin markers have long been used to show mercury poisoning, not just autistics. The CA data shows a corresponding decrease in diagnosis since removal of Thimerosol. The study in the NEJM is the only rubbish I have seen. The deatils of the study say that they cannot either link or rule out causation. However, all the headlines and the abstract mention only that causation cannot be shown with the study. And, again, this study did NOT specifically did not look at autistics. You people need to do your homework.
Posted by: Julian I | October 13, 2007 at 01:12 AM
You know, I purposely published this post with out any editorial comments except for a thank you to Monica. I didn't say I agreed with the findings of this study or not.
Quite frankly, although I am certainly aware of the controversy, I haven't followed this particular issue close enough to be knowledgeable enough to have an opinion one way or the other. I just simply posted a "News Release" as it was written.
I like the comments above that refer to this study as "rubbish". These folks stated their opinions and did so with out getting personal.
Start a comment by saying "you people have your head in the sand" simply makes me snicker. As tame an insult as that is, from that point on I'm no longer interested in what people have to say.
Posted by: Connie | October 13, 2007 at 09:18 AM