At about the same time I stumbled on this post which neatly summarizes the Split This Rock Poetry Festival now being organized in Washington, D.C., we received an e-mail from Sarah Browning, the Festival Coordinator. The excitement over this event is building and I thought it time to mention it to our friends so you can mark your calendars. Steve has been asked to participate in this event and what an honor that is. Just look at this list of featured poets, will you!
The dates chosen for this event coincide with the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The only "glitch" is that Easter turns out to be very early this year, falling on March 23, 2008, the last day of the festival. Easter, spring in Washington, D.C., poetry - could be lovely!
Blue Girl, here's your chance to soak up a lot of poetry! See you there?
Georgia? Lesley? Andrea and Zac? David? See you there?
~ Connie
Hey Con-Con-Kuu,
I'd love to go to that. DC is always so beautiful in the spring.
Do you know what day Steve will be speaking yet? I just skimmed the link, but didn't see any specifics.
Posted by: blue girl | October 04, 2007 at 02:57 PM
Road trip! Road trip!
Only glitch is it being so close to Easter. I need to be in Rochester then, no matter what. I hope I can scoot down for some part of it.
I love Lucille Clifton, who I got to meet at SUNY Brockport years ago, and Sam Hamil's the best.
Keeping my digits crossed for the stars to align so I can attend...
Posted by: Georgia Whitney | October 05, 2007 at 05:14 AM
Hi Ladies!
We don't know yet which day(s) Steve will be involved but we'll let you know as soon as we do!
Posted by: Connie | October 05, 2007 at 07:33 AM